Warning: this will probably make you uncomfortable. It should make you uncomfortable.
17 people were killed in a school today, and at least 16 others injured. Most, of them were children. This is the 18th school shooting this year. I’ll now remind you it’s February 14th.
If you own a gun, you are complicit. This includes those who are safe and legal gun owners. You still gave money to the companies and organizations who perpetuate this madness.
If you voted for politicians who support very loose, weak, or nonexistent gun legislation, you are complicit.
Every time there’s a mass shooting, I hear politicians saying that their hopes and prayers are with the victims and their families. I’ll spoil the ending for you, it’s not working. We have to work for our safety. Hopes and prayers are not getting us anywhere in this regard.
We are the United States of America. We vote for our politicians. We allow them to be bought by the NRA and other lobbyists, and we just keep voting them back in.
Don’t tell me about how people will use knives, or cars, or planes, or anything else if they don’t have access to guns. Guns are purpose built to kill. That’s all that they do. They serve no other purpose and they are very efficient at killing.
Is your right to own guns more important than our children’s right to a safe and prosperous education?
Does your right to own bump-stocks help the dozens of parents that got a knock on the door today, and told that their child won’t be coming home?
There is no argument anymore. You either support VERY strong gun reform, or you’re wrong. Many of you won’t like hearing that, but there’s no other place in the world like America when it comes to guns and the murders they’re associated with.
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