Author Archives: dgm

Stocks & Markets Widget

This was a very fast design and build of a stock/market widget that downloaded, processed and stored data, then sent it to the visualizer for use on the front page of an already completed website.

The whole project was delivered in just a few weeks. I’ll be taking more time on these in the future.

Macfusion for Quick Web Updates

Macfusion is an app for OS X (obviously) that allows you to mount FTP and SSH connections as though they were drives on your Mac. Though not a heavy use tool, Macfusion is quite nice for making quick and dirty updates to websites. When “mounted” all the files on your web server act as though they are on your computer, which means you can directly edit them. Just make sure you download a backup first, because that is a very quick way to screw up a website.
Did I mention it’s free?
I hear there are some problems with Lion, but if you follow the trail on the Macfusion Github page it will work just fine. They recommend downloading and installing the only dependency, MacFUSE from this site, rather than the copy from Google.
As a side note, FTP seemed quite sluggish for me, to the point where it was nearly unusable, but when connected with SSH it’s quite speedy,

Fantastic Artwork by Tony Riff

I was perusing Abduzeedu when I stumbled on the fantastic artwork of Tony Riff. The video is really well done too.

Two Great TED Talks About Careers

I wasn’t even looking talks on career advise, but upon hitting the play button on Charlie Hoehn’s TEDx presentation I was hooked. YouTube was kind enough to offer the second gem from Jenny Blake after I finishing the first. If you want great career advise, don’t take it from me, but these two folks seem to have figured something out.
Charlie Hoehn — The New Way to Work

Jenny Blake — The Career in the Age of the App

960 Grid System 12 column Cheat Sheet

I decided it was time to learn the 960 Grid System for coding web sites. And what better way to learn than to make my own cheat sheet. Let me know if you find this useful and maybe I’ll make a 16 column cheat sheet as well.
960 Grid System – 12 Column Quick Reference

Apple CAD Drawings For Inspiration

I saw this article on Core77 yesterday, thanks to TUAW. Core77 did a great job of turning some Apple CAD drawings into a work of art. And I was inspired to do the same. Here’s my take on it.

I turned it into some wallpapers and have them included after the break.

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iPad Designer PDF's

I was working on some ideas for an iPad app, and thought it might be useful to actually draw on one. Well, kinda. Anyway, I made these PDF’s so that I can easily print out an iPad whenever I need one. While I was at it I thought I’d let you all use them too. I can’t promise that the sizes are perfect, they are very close to the real thing (may very depending on your printer and settings). Feel free to download and print as many as you want, just send your friends here if they ask where you got it. Enjoy!

For the minimalist, a blank iPad.
For the precise, an iPad with a .25 inch grid.
And for the detail oriented, pre-imaged with keyboards and status bars in the vertical and horizontal flavors.

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To celebrate the launch of the new site, I’ve made a new wallpaper for your pleasure. I’ve formatted it to fit most screens, and have included a version for computers as well as iPhones and iPads. Feel free to use this at your own discretion but if you send it to a friend, please tell them where you got it. Enjoy!

Blockmarks – Logo Design

EK Coaches – Web Design